
  • Doris Eliana Calderon Autor



Education continuing, exposure to biological agents, professional review organizations


Summary: The objective of this study is to analyze the theoretical and practical contents of biosecurity declared in the subjects of the Odontology Career of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Azogues-Ecuador, to establish the degree of instruction delivered to students in the process of formation in relation to the prevention and precaution protocols. MATERIALS AND METHODS:The study was descriptive, cross-sectional, through a review, analysis and evaluation of the background, development and execution of the curriculum from a biosecurity perspective. This evaluation was carried out from the first to the seventh study cycle. A survey model measuring instrument was applied, contrasting the biosecurity contents present in these documents and the information given by the professors of the degree from the theoretical, practical and theoreticalpractical points of view. A descriptive statistic was used that includes relative frequencies in comparison with the variables. RESULTS: The 100% of teachers in the Dentistry Career considers biosafety education relevant in the university career, 82% taught biosafety knowledge, 78% of teachers did not have a specific bibliographic reference on biosafety and 22% had biosafety guidelines from the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) of Ecuador. CONCLUSIONS: The role of a teacher in the training of health professionals must be complete and include the basic and fundamental principle of biosecurity in all areas - basic, preclinical and clinical. This approach will ensure compliance with national and international health standards in the
exercise of their profession.


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How to Cite

Calderon, D. E. (2018). DESCRIPTIVE STUDY: BIOSECURITY IN HEALTH INSTITUTIONS. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 2(2), 17–22.