
  • Sebastian Matute




Edentulous Jaw, Denture Complete, Denture Partial


To determine the frecuency of Edentulism and the need for prosthetic treatment in adult patients between aged
from 18 to 70 years in comprehensive clinic Race Dentistry at the Academic Unit of Health and Welfare, Cuenca - Ecuador,
2016. MATERIALS AND METHODS:The study was retrospective descriptive. The population was of 100 adults aged 18
to 70 years old who were clinically observed and evaluated by Form by the Organization World Health (WHO). RESULTS:It
was determined that 100% of the population studied presented partial edentulism, with a higher frequency of bimaxilar partial
edentulism with 87% and partial upper edentulism 8% and partial lower 5%. The highest frequency of partial bimaxillary
edentulism was obtained in all ages from 18 to 75 years with a percentage of 87%, a higher frequency was also seen in
lower and upper partial edentulism in people under 30 years of age with 27Bimaxilar partial edentulism according to sex has
manifested a higher frequency in males with 93%, in lower partial edentulism the higher frequency is in the female sex with
10% and a lower frequency of upper partial edentulism in the Male sex with 2%. It was determined that there is a great need
for partial inferior prosthetic treatment with 82%, total 1% and 17% no need for a treatment. The need for inferior prosthetic
treatment is most often seen in the need for partial treatment with 91%, total 1% and no treatment is required with 8%.
CONCLUSION: The total population evaluated was composed of 100 adult patients presented with 100% partial edentulism,
in the way that 87% represents bimaxillary edentulism and 13% that comprises upper and lower partial edentulism. Seen in
87% of the population studied, total 1% and do not require prosthetic treatment 13%.


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How to Cite

Matute, S. (2018). EDENTULISM AND THE NEED FOR PROTETIC TREATMENT IN ADULT PATIENTS OF THE ACADEMIC HEALTH AND WELFARE UNIT - UCACUE 2016. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 2(1), 21–26. https://doi.org/10.31984/oactiva.v2i1.168