
  • Mariana Gabriela Pinos-Samaniego Odontologa



Carbamide peroxide, Hidrogen peroxide, Incisor


The objective of this study was to conduct a literature review to collect information on dental cleansing in vital parts, with the purpose of offering the professional relevant information on the type of dental clearing, contraindications, limitations, basic principles of cleansing, clinical complications, adverse effects and toxicity, since at present this type of treatment is the most frequent in the dental offices. A bibliographic search was conducted in PubMed with the keywords "whitening vital teeth", in articles published from 2003 to 2016. The sources consulted for this review were 394 articles, of which 28 were included in the review after applying criteria of exclusion as: human studies, randomized clinical trials, reviews of literature and systematic reviews, more than 1 book and 3 bulletin associated with teeth whitening. It was observed that there is a high demand for patients anxious to obtain a bright white smile, since the smile is the first contact for the approach and communication between people, a beautiful smile establishes the best presentation letter, so the aesthetics Dental has been a constant concern during history in various civilizations to this day. It is a procedure that uses chemical substances such as sodium peroxide and carbamide peroxide, reduces the presence of stains on vital and non-vital teeth, thus removing the pigments that are deposited therein.


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How to Cite

Pinos-Samaniego, M. G. (2018). DENTAL CLAREMENT IN VITALTEETH. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 3(3), 63–70.