Dental anxiety, sex, young adult, educational statusAbstract
Aim: Associate education level and dental anxiety in adults aged 18-44. Materials and methods: A case-control study, was carried out in the parish of Monay from the city of Cuenca-Ecuador. The sample consisted of 180 cases and 180 controls, of which,43%werefemaleand57%male. Fortheevaluationofthelevelofanxietyindentaltreatment,theinstrumentEQ-SDAI was used. The collected data was recorded in the free access program; EPI INFO version 7.2. Results: In the descriptive analysis of the total sample, the tendency of anxiety to the dental treatment with respect to the sex, showed greater frequency in the female sex; according to the age group, patients aged 21 to 30 years presented greater anxiety. The association between education level and dental anxiety was calculated using the Odds Ratio statistical test (0.6977 95% CI: 0.45851.059). Conclusions: There is no association between education level and dental anxiety. It is suggested to carry out more studies in this population to establish variables that explain the problem of dental anxiety in the city of Cuenca.
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