Prueba T de Student para una investigación odontológica
t-Student, Inferencia, Grados de Libertad, Análisis EstadísticoAbstract
Objective: To Describe step by step, how to perform a Student՚s Test. As well as explaining in detail it’s characteristics, properties and mathematics used to accept or reject a hypothesis. Many researchers use it in their work in order to discover if there are differences between two research groups. A fundamental issue that should not be left at the end is knowing which statistical technique we are going to use to compare the results of our work. The relatively large number of statistical tests that have been developed cause much confusion for technicians and researchers when deciding which one to use. Materials and Methods: Through the use of a dental example. We are going to solve a possible research problem that may well be applied to many fields in dentistry. Results: At the end of this essay, will expect to be able to understand the logic used by the Student's T to accept or reject a hypothesis. Conclusion: Student’s test is a statistical method is easy to perform and interpret, is very useful in medical-dental research. It is a very effective statistical technique when analyzing and interpreting the data.
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