Panoramic radiographic findings in older adults in a private radiographic center in Cuenca-Ecuador.
Panoramic radiography, elderly, paranasal sinus, maxilla, mandible.Abstract
Objective: To determine the frequency of findings in panoramic radiographs of older adults in a private radiographic center in Cuenca-Ecuador. Materials and methods: A descriptive, observational, retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out and the panoramic radiographs of previous years of the private radiographic center were reviewed. The study population consisted of 727 panoramic radiographs, of which 280 belonged to male patients and 447 to female patients. The digital panoramic radiographs of 60 years of age and older, radiographs of both sexes, with good resolution were included. Panoramic radiographs of patients with syndromes or diseases affecting the jaws were excluded. A database designed for tabulation was obtained obtaining descriptive statistics as simple tables containing the frequencies and percentages of the findings. Results: A total of 727 panoramic radiographs were analyzed and age was categorized according to sex, with an average age ranging from 60 to 81 years and over. In the total sample, the predominant group was 60 to 70 years of age (65%) in both sexes. In addition, the presence of findings was evaluated where (66%) of radiographs were found, being high in the female sex (67%) and showing a lower range in the male sex. Conclusions: There is an increase of radiographic findings in the female sex, the most notorious finding according to the area was found at the level of the prevertebral area with mineralization of the bilateral stylohyoid process.
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