Enucleación de odontoma compuesto maxilar con regeneración ósea guiada: reporte de caso


  • Xavier Bernardo Piedra Sarmiento Universidad Católica de Cuenca




Odontología, Salud, Atención, Servicio de salud, Trauma


Odontoma is a benign mixed odontogenic tumor containing odontogenic cells with different enamel, dentin, and cementum characteristics. The present article aims to enucleate the composite odontoma in conjunction with guided bone regeneration of this lesion. According to the WHO 2022 classification, there are two types of odontomas: complex and compound. In most cases, patients who presented with odontomas have been asymptomatic. Therefore, radiographic studies usually diagnose their lesion, which is radiopaque with radiolucent delimited borders of a morphology similar to a dental piece. Consequently, Cone Beam tomography is paramount to defining the correct surgical treatment.

A  case of a 26-year-old female patient who went to a private clinic in Cuenca needing to improve the esthetic appearance of her teeth is presented. On intraoral clinical examination, it was observed that in the upper right quadrant, there was an apparent accumulation of hard and soft tissue; the patient reported that the lesion had not caused any discomfort. Radiographic examinations were performed, where the lesion was more clearly identified; excision was performed surgically, and FRP, synthetic bone, and fibrin membrane were placed to fill the bone defects present after extraction.


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  • Abstract 275
  • DESCARGAR EN PDF (Español (España)) 204

How to Cite

RIVERA GÓMEZ, R. M., & Piedra Sarmiento, X. B. (2023). Enucleación de odontoma compuesto maxilar con regeneración ósea guiada: reporte de caso. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 8(3), 35–42. https://doi.org/10.31984/oactiva.v8i3.904