Perception of curriculum satisfaction in undergraduate dental students. A literature review.


  • Ana Isabel Cabrera Garcés Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Rafael García-Abad Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Lorena Gonzáles-Campoverde Universidad Católica de Cuenca



Educación, Percepción, Pedagogía, Enseñanza


The Evaluation of the Students’ Training Level of Satisfaction with the curricular plan and teaching methods permits identifying the university community’s needs to improve the quality of university instruction, which entails guaranteeing professionals with high academic standards and relevant professional profiles. Through the literature, this bibliographic review aimed to know the degree of university students’ curricular satisfaction in the area of Health in the Dentistry Career. The methodology used to develop this research was based on the literature search in indexed databases such as Scopus, PubMed, SciELO, and Web of Science through the use of search criteria and Boolean operators “or” and “and” regarding the terms Education, Teaching, Health, Pedagogy, and Perception. It was determined that the level of students’ Curricular Dissatisfaction is significantly perceptible since they mention not having what is offered by the Higher Education Centers or perceiving that what is proposed in the curriculum is not entirely fulfilled; however, the level of the curriculum acceptance and approval is more significant about the previous factor, considering that the advances and updates made by the University Centers for the benefit of professional preparation are ideal.


Keywords: Education, Teaching, Health, Pedagogy, Perception.


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How to Cite

Cabrera Garcés, A. I., García-Abad, R., & Gonzáles-Campoverde, L. (2024). Perception of curriculum satisfaction in undergraduate dental students. A literature review. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 9(3), 19–25.