Association between facial shape and dental arch shape
Facial shape, dental arch shape, dental arch, facial shape, dental arch shape, Dental archAbstract
Objective: To determine if there is an association between facial shape and dental arch form. Material and Methods: The study design is descriptive, observational, and cross-sectional. The population for the study consisted of 750 pre-orthodontic treatment cases from the Autonomic de Nayarit University archives in the period 2015-2023. The sample included 120 randomly selected cases. A template with square, ovoid, and triangular facial shapes was used for facial shape selection. Dental arch form was determined using a 3M arch chart. Descriptive statistics, percentages, and X2 tests were conducted. Results: In 20% of cases, the facial shape matched the dental arches shape. Among those with matching facial and arches shape, 52% were ovoid, 35% square, and 13% triangular. The X2 test showed no association between the variables. However, an association was found between facial shape and mandibular arch, also between the maxillary and mandibular arches when evaluated independently. Conclusions: The association between facial shape and the dental arches shape is too low. The association is more appropriate among both dental arches. Keywords: Facial shape, dental arch shape, dental arch.
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