Efecto de minivideos enfocados a la prevención de infecciones de transmisión sexual adquiridas mediante sexo oral


  • Laura Valentina Velasquez Suarez UNIVERSIDAD COOPERATIVA DE COLOMBIA
  • Diana Lucía Carrillo-Reina Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, C.P. 506007 Villavicencio, Colombia
  • Lizeth Yeizury Barreto-Castro Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, C.P. 506007 Villavicencio, Colombia
  • Lady Katerine Doncel-Romero Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, C.P. 506007 Villavicencio, Colombia
  • María Paula Franco-Umaña Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, C.P. 506007 Villavicencio, Colombia
  • María del Pilar Angarita-Diaz Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, C.P. 506007 Villavicencio, Colombia
  • César García-Balaguera Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, C.P. 506007 Villavicencio, Colombia
  • Ingrid Rocio Moncaleano Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, C.P. 506007 Villavicencio, Colombia




Sexual education, Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), Sexual behavior, Adolescents, Youths, Prevention


Currently, cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among young people and adolescents represent a public health issue. This highlights the lack of sexual education and consequently irresponsible sexual behaviors within this population group, in addition to the early initiation of such practices. The present study aims to evaluate the effect of a strategy focused on the prevention of STIs acquired through oral sex in adolescents and young adults. To this end, a quasi-experimental study was conducted, in which students from two educational institutions in Villavicencio-Meta were shown three short videos about STIs transmitted through oral sex. To assess the effect of the strategy, the median of correct responses was compared before and after the implementation of the videos (immediately and at 4 months). The results indicated a significantly favorable effect (p<0.01, p<0.05) on the median of correct responses in the Knowledge and Attitudes section, as well as an increase in the number of participants who correctly answered some of the questions posed. Most students gave a positive response to the questions about the evaluation of the videos. In conclusion, this study demonstrated a favorable effect on Knowledge and Attitudes regarding STIs transmitted through oral sex following the implementation of the three short videos.


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How to Cite

Velasquez Suarez, L. V., Carrillo-Reina, D. L., Barreto-Castro, L. Y., Doncel-Romero, L. K., Franco-Umaña, M. P., Angarita-Diaz, M. del P., García-Balaguera, C., & Moncaleano, I. R. (2024). Efecto de minivideos enfocados a la prevención de infecciones de transmisión sexual adquiridas mediante sexo oral . Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 9(3), 9–18. https://doi.org/10.31984/oactiva.v9i3.1091