
  • María José Jimeno Cisternas Cisternas



Periodontal, Index, Russell, Disease, Prevalence


AIM: To determine the prevalence of periodontal disease in 12 year old scholars from Machángara Parish, Cuenca 2016. MATERIALS AND METHODS: It was an observational descriptive epidemiological study of oral clinical evaluation in 192 students aged 12 years, 95 (49%) were female and 97 (51%) were male. Patients with permanent dentition were included and patients with systemic diseases and oral malformations were excluded, Russell’s periodontal index was used, the parents signed an informed consent, and the students gave their approvement for the examination. A specialist in the area of periodontics at the Dentistry School of Catholic University of Cuenca calibrated the observers (Kappa>80%). Each oral examination was performed with natural light and dental mirror, before the recess of classes.Results: The prevalence of Periodontal disease was 74% (143 patients) of the total number of students; 38% (72 patients) of the females and 37% (71 patients) of the males, in terms of the degree of periodontal destruction, only 2 (1%) patients presented Destructive Periodontal Disease Establishment, 22 (11%) Onset of Destructive Periodontal Disease, 72 (38%) patients had Simple Gingivitis. Frequently affected teeth were the lateral incisors CONCLUSIÓN: It was determined in this epidemiological survey that there is a high prevalence of periodontal disease in 12 year old scholars.


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How to Cite

Jimeno Cisternas, M. J. (2018). PREVALENCE OF PERIODONTAL DISEASE IN SCHOOLS OF 12 YEARS IN THE PARISH MACHÁNGARA, CUENCA 2016. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 2(3), 11–16.