Stevia, xylitol, sweetenersAbstract
The objective of this study was to demonstrate the antimicrobial activity of Stevia compared to Xylitol against the
Streptococci mutans. This was an experimental trial.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Was made by taking the strains of
Streptococcus mutans to the microbiology laboratory (ATCC 25175) and grown on Agar Mueller Hinton (OXOID) with
defibrinated sheep blood. The antimicrobial effect of Stevia and Xylitol were compared using the technique of Agar diffusion
bacteria and drilling plate as a positive control 2% of chlorhexidine (Maquira) and negative water control were used. It was
placed in bells incubation at 37 degrees Celsius and evaluated at 24, 48 hours to determine the effect of these extracts on
growth of bacteria.RESULTS: high inhibition of microbial activity of Stevia was determined against Streptococcus mutans
compared to Xylitol dilution. In the trial a greater growth inhibition halos was observed. CONCLUSION: Stevia has greater
antimicrobial activity than xylitol since both controls larger halos were observed demonstrating the potential of this anticariogenic
natural sweetener. This study was prospective - Longitudinal - Experimental - Analytical
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