
  • Sively Mercado



Malocclusións, Quality of Life


The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the quality of life related to oral health (CVRSB) as an integral part
of overall health and wellness, while malocclusions are dentofacial morphological variations can affect the health status
optimal of the oral cavity in their morphological, functional or aesthetic aspects that vary according to ethnic groups,
geographical areas, classification method, thus affecting the daily activities of individuals, in their well-being or quality
of life. We consider this revision addressed to the Andean population, clinically seen that are affected by various types of
anomalies dentomaxilofaciales. Therefore the aim of this article is to analyze the impact of malocclusions in the quality of
life demonstrating the need to implement the policies health sector orthodontic treatment in adolescents in the Andean area
affected in the psychosocial aspect that interferes quality of life.


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How to Cite

Mercado, S. (2018). MALOCCLUSIONS ASSOCIATED WITH QUALITY OF LIFE IN ANDEAN POPULATION. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 2(1), 63–68.



Bibliographic revision articles