Estudio piloto comparativo de salud oral relacionada a la calidad de vida en escolares del cantón Cañar Ecuador 2015
Quality of life, oral health, urban population, rural populationAbstract
A comparative pilot study was carried out with the objective of determining the impact of oral conditions on the quality of life of school children both from rural as well as urban sectors in Cañar Canton, Ecuador, through the application of OIDP Child questionnaire in 2015. An observational cross-sectional study was conducted which evaluated 37 children between 11 and 12 years old from two schools in Cañar that met the selection criteria. The schools involved were Luis Roberto Chacón (urban) and Huayrapungo (rural). Data were collected through a personal interview with each child using the OIDP, peruvian versión. According to tthe results obtained the main performances affected were: smiling in 60%, eating in 57.1%, socializing in 54.3%, and cleaning their mouth in 34.3%. The least affected actions were: eruption of a permanent tooth in 11.4%, sleeping in 5.7% and studying in 2.9%. The speaking function was not affected. In conclusion, both urban and rural school children presented at least one impact that affected their performance, being smiling the one most affected at the urban school and eating at he rural one.
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