Pasos para la planificación de una investigación clínica


  • Ebingen Villavicencio Caparó
  • Katherine Cuenca LEON
  • Eleonor Maria Velez leon
  • Jaime Sayago Heredia
  • Augusto Cabrera Duffaut



Clinical Study, Research Design, Methodology


The aim of this paper was to make a literature review of the recommendations for clinical research. It shows aspects of setting up the team, defining the research question, identify the variable of interest, theoretical framework, study design, sample size , statistical analysis, resources needed for the study, bioethical aspects of research, recruitment is presented patients, data and strategies for the results publication.


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  • Abstract 3167
  • PDF (Español (España)) 4101
  • HTML (Español (España)) 336

How to Cite

Villavicencio Caparó, E., Cuenca LEON , K., Velez leon , E. M. ., Sayago Heredia , J., & Cabrera Duffaut, A. (2016). Pasos para la planificación de una investigación clínica. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 1(1), 72–75.



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