Efectividad anéstesica del parche Outdol para el tratamiento de detartraje
Pain, Anesthesia, gingiva, patchAbstract
The aim of this study was to verify the effectiveness of the OUTDOL patch in anesthetizing gingival tissue. This was applied to 28 patients who served both as experimental and control group. The dental arch was divided into two zones in order to have one half as experimental group and the other half as control group. The patch was applied for 5 minutes and then the tartar was removed following usual procedures. A pain evaluation questionnaire (VAS visual analogue scale) was applied after the tartar removal, obtaining a value for each dental piece and proceeding to average all the values for each middle arch. According to the results, the control arch registered an average pain of 0.95 with a standard deviation of 0.39; whereas the pain registered on the patch zone was 0.29 with a standard deviation of 0.39 on a scale of 0 to 5. The hypothesis was tested through the student T-test statistics (p <0.001), demonstrating that there is significant statistical difference between the pain values on the unpatched area compared to those on the OUTDOL patch area. It checked the effectiveness of the patch OUTDOL.
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