Deep bite, malocclusion, orthodonticAbstract
Vertical problems in dentomaxillary disharmonies are very common, the deep bite characteristic of Class II 2nd division could be solved by understanding the problem from another perspective, interfering in the treatment with other options than the mere intrusion of previous sectors. The participation of devices like posterior lift plates help to modify the occlusal plane, treating the occlusion curves, modifying the patient’s muscular engram. A literature review of the possible factors producing deepbite malocclusion and the influence of lateral elevator plates in the free interocclusal space as a specific individual characteristic of the class II 2nd division was made. The use of lateral lift plates translates the functional orthopedic principles of the jaws into orthodontics, modifying the occlusal plane, favoring the passive eruption of posterior sectors and creating a new sagittal relationship in the anterior dental arch segment.
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