Tongue tie, ankyloglossia, frenectomy, general inhalatory anesthesia, sevoflurane, nitrous oxideAbstract
Ankyloglossia is a common congenital abnormality in which the lingual frenum attaches tongue to floor of mouth and
sometimes alveolar ridge, is short or anterior; causing difficulty and limitation in movement. Treatment resection or
frenectomy, includes as every procedure anesthesia, which comes in various forms, for this type of procedure and patient
age anesthesia inhalatoria with sevoflurane as first option. Treating or frenulum resection is performed frenectomy usual with
local anesthesia. Factors such as behavioral problems or age of the patient make recourse to an inhalational anesthesia in
operating room type. This kind of anesthesia provides a state of unconsciousness, analgesia for a short-term possibility of
working with a patient without moving for short procedures. In this paper we present frenectomy procedure for patients under
4 years performed under general inhalatory anesthesia at the Craniofacial Center in the Hospital del Niño DIF of Pachuca in
the period form 2012 to 2014
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