The aim of this investigation was to determine the impact of oral health in the quality of life using the short CPQ. MATERIALS
AND METHODS: The study was done in children of 6 to 10 years of the Escuela General Básica "San Francisco de Peleusí
de Azogues", was used the Perceptions Questionnaire Oral Health or short CPQ, the same that consists of 4 dimensions
(Oral Symptoms, Limitation functional, Emotional Welfare and Social Welfare).Previously each question was explained at
the students and after the answer was marked according their involvement.RESULTS: The most frequent problems were:
food trapped between the teeth (54.5%), bleeding in the gums (22.7%), in this way the Dimension that presented the highest
prevalence was Oral Symptomatology, in (P = 0.03), followed by functional limitation (p = 0.021) and social welfare (p =
0.013). CONCLUSION: The oral health problems affect negatively the quality of life of the students, Respect to the food
problems trapped between the teeth and the most affected dimension was the Oral Symptomatology; It is female who has more
oral health problems.
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