central giant cell lesion, multinucleated giant cells, giant cell granuloma, no odontogenic tumorAbstract
central multinucleated giant cell lesion (LCCGM), also called central giant cell granuloma, is a benign non-odontogenic
neoplasm that can occur in the maxillary bones, especially the jaw, and is characterized to be asymptomatic and is usually an
exclusive radiographic finding. This article presents the case of an 18-year-old patient with no relevant medical history who
is found to have a radiolucent defect apically of the lower left first molar, which is removed by surgery under local anesthesia
and the sample submitted to histopathological analysis, which is compatible with central multinucleated giant cell lesion. The
objective of this article is to present this multinucleated giant cell lesion in Jaws to expand the clinical, radiographic and
histopathological knowledge to collaborate with the good diagnostic routing of nonodontogenic intraosseous lesions to our
students and dental colleagues.
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- Abstract 950
- PDF (Español (España)) 669
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- AUDIO DEL RESUMEN (Español (España)) 73
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