Pulpectomy, prescholers, Molars deciduous, Rotary instrumentationAbstract
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare two techniques of instrumentation for pulpectomies, called rotatory and conventional, on the operating time and anxiety of preschoolers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was quasi-experimental, longitudinal cut. Two study groups were selected, with 20 preschools each, who had informed consent and assent. To establish possible differences between the values obtained, the Student's T and Square Chi tests of Mc Nemar were used. RESULTS: The operative time in the pulpectomies of deciduous molars was 31.95 min (1.54) for the rotary instrumentation, and 48.35 min (2.48) for the conventional instrumentation. The heart rate of the preschoolers varied from 70.65 beats per minute (LPM) (3.36); during the rotary instrumentation, at 85.30 (3.94); during conventional instrumentation. On the other hand, the oxygen saturation of the children did not vary significantly being 91.55% (0.89) during the rotary instrumentation and of 91.70% (1.26) during the conventional instrumentation. CONCLUSION: The differences registered in the relationship with the opereatorio time and anxiety of preschool children subjected to two types of instrumentation techniques (rotatory and conventional), for molare deciduous pulpectomies, are statistically significant (95% CI, p <0.001).
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