
  • Giovanna Gutierrez-Gayoso




Maxilla, Orthodontics, Activating devices


AIM: The transversal correction of the maxilla with the diagnosis of an atresic palate is corrected by the rapid maxillary expansion (ERM) showing to be an effective treatment and the option that has been widely used to eliminate the maxillary deficiency. We report a 10year-old female patient, a student with no medical history of importance consulting the dentistry faculty of the University Andina of Cusco. To the questioning of the reason for consultation answers "I have very disordered teeth", at the time of the examination does not present any disease that contraindicates an orthopedic treatment. On evaluation, the patient presents a straight profile, divergent hiccups with class I malocclusion due to space problems, with both upper and
lower anterior moderate crowding. At the stomatological examination, his soft tissues showed normal parameters. The patient was diagnosed with class I malocclusion with moderate crowding in both arches without presenting transverse problems too evident. The treatment plan: It was decided to make the maxillary disjunction with skeletal anchorage, considering the patient’s age, periodic clinical evaluations are made to perform the growth monitoring. It was concluded that although the dentosoportados and dentomucosupported circuit breakers have good clinical results, in the case that there is no support for
the anchorage of the same would have as well supported options as is the case of circuit breakers with skeletal anchorage With less side effect. The radiographic control must be continuous to corroborate that the disjunction is being performed correctly.


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How to Cite

Gutierrez-Gayoso, G. (2018). ORTHOPEDIC EXPANSION OF THE MAXILAR WITH THE UTILIZATION OF TEMPORAL EQUELETIC ANCHORAGE. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 3(3), 45–50. https://doi.org/10.31984/oactiva.v3i3.280