
  • Andrea Naranjo



Periodontal Diseases, adolescent, prevalence


Aim: To determine the prevalence of periodontal disease in 12-year-old school children belonging to the Chiquintad Parish
of Cuenca, Ecuador, in 2016. Materials and Methods: 100 schoolchildren from 12 years of public institutions of the parish
of Chiquintad in the canton of Cuenca (Azuay, Ecuador) were selected and clinically examined by researchers calibrated
to evaluate periodontal disease, using Russell’s periodontal index, in addition to applying a survey. textbf Results: The
findings revealed that the prevalence of periodontal disease was 71 %. The average of the IPR for the study group was
0.252 (0.371) corresponding to healthy support tissue. CONCLUSION: There is a high prevalence of periodontal disease in
12-year-old adolescents belonging to rural public institutions in Cuenca, Ecuador. The data obtained could allow to design
better management strategies for the resources destined to the primary health level.


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How to Cite

Naranjo, A. (2019). PREVALENCE OF PERIODONTAL DISEASE IN 12 YEARS OLD SCHOOLCHILDREN FROM CHIQUINTAD CUENCA (Azuay, Ecuador). Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 4(1), 1–6.