Dental avulsion is the total displacement of a tooth outside its alveolus. Where rupture of the vascular-nervous bundle and periodontal fibers occurs, this produces lesions in the cementum, in the alveolar bone and in the periodontal tissues. The treatment must be immediate to succeed and keep the affected piece. A 20-year-old patient goes to the Catholic University Clinic of Cuenca (UCACUE) for emergency, because the day before he suffered dentoalveolar trauma, causing avulsion of piece 11, the tooth was reimplanted in a private clinic suggesting the patient to attend to a specialist to treat the endodontics area to continue the treatment following the protocols indicated for these cases, the reimplant must be immediate to achieve its success, allowing to keep the dental piece in the mouth. For this, the protocols indicated for these cases were followed, changing the type of splint and doing the endodontic treatment to avoid the undesirable consequences caused by dentoalveolar trauma, (resorption, calcification and pulp death).
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