The placement of implants in the anterior sector of the lower jaw, has led to complications with respect to the proximity to the lingual foramen (LF) and its bony channels. Sequelae have been reported due to deficient planning and / or complete ignorance of the anatomy of the area, such as paresthesia or unusual intraoperative bleeding. Given this situation, research has been carried out in different latitudes (with the exception of Latin America) in order to characterize this structure. Objective: To characterize the mandibular LF by Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in patients who attended the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Service of the Teaching Dental Clinic of the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia Lima - 2017. Materials and methods: 255 CBCT were evaluated, and the distance from the top of the alveolar ridge to the LF was determined. The length of the LF, the location with respect to the geni process, the existence of accessory ducts and the characteristics of LF with respect to sex were determined. Results: 54.22% (n=122) belonged to the female sex and 45.77% (n=103) to the male. The distance from the LF to the alveolar ridge had an average of 17.4mm ± 4.08, the length of the LF had an average of 8.54 ± 2.06. The LF was above the geni process in 82.22% (n=185) and 17.78% (n=40) was below. As for the accessory ducts, 53.33% (n=120) presented a single duct 53.33% (n=120) and 46.67% (n=105) more than two ducts. Conclusion: The female sex presented greater distance from the alveolar ridge to the LF and a greater number of accessory ducts.
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