Evaluation of the feldespathic ceramic force adhesion trough pre-warmed composite resin vs dual resinous cement- in vitro study
Adhesion, Feldspathic ceramics, Resin cement, Strength.Abstract
A prospective In Vitro controlled clinical trial was carried out, with the objective of comparing the adhesion of feldspathic ceramics to the dental structure through preheated composite vs dual resinous cement in 18 specimens, consisting of two structures, tooth and feldspathic ceramic with In order to join them together, they were cemented # 9 with a dual resinous cement (RelyX ™ Ultimate Clicker ™), together with the adhesive (Single Bond Universal Adhesive of 3M ™ ESPE ™) and # 9 with composite (Filtek ™ Z350 XT) preheated through Ena Heat MICERIUM (Italy), a procedure that was carried out in the Dental Laboratory of the Oral Rehabilitation Specialty Mention Prosthesis of the University of Concepción, once cemented the two structures, underwent a shear test with a Universal Tensil Testing machines (Karg Industrietechnik), to generate a maximum force necessary to separate them. As a result, the highest adhesion strength of the ceramic bonded to the tooth, with Relix Ultimate Dual dual resin cement was 28 Kgf, while with Z350 XT Universal preheated composite was 31 Kgf, attributing that, ReliX Ultimate presented better adhesion
Martínez Rus F, Pradíes Ramiro G, Suárez García MJ, Ri-vera Gómez B.Cerámicas dentales: clasificación y criteriosde selección. RCOE 2007;12(4): 253-263.2.
- Abstract 935
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- HTML (Español (España)) 245
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