Relación entre edad cronológica y estadios de mineralización del tercer molar inferior en radiografías panorámicas digital.


  • Ana Cristina Vásquez-Palacios



Tercer Molar, Calcificación de Dientes, Determinación de la Edad por los Dientes, Radiografía Panorámica



Objective: To relate the chronological age and mineralization of the lower third molar in digital panoramic radiographs of patients between 7 and 23 years old who went to a private radiological center, Azogues-Ecuador, period 2016 - 2017. Materials and methods: A comparative analysis of a total of 596 panoramic radiographs was taken, taken during the 2016-2017 period, then the statistical comparison of the stages of mineralization according to sex was performed through the T student and U Mann test -Witney, the Spearman Rho correlation coefficient between chronological age and mineralization stage was also determined. Results: The highest proportion of radiographs evaluated were female. The average age in piece 38 for the female sex begins at 9.15 years and ends at 21.19 years, in the male sex it begins at 10.00 years and ends at 21.02 years. The average age in piece 48 for the female sex begins at 9.50 years and ends at 21.21 years, in the male sex it begins at 9.65 years and ends at 21.01 years. Conclusion: The lower third molars on panoramic radiographs are considered good age estimators.


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How to Cite

Vásquez-Palacios, A. C. (2020). Relación entre edad cronológica y estadios de mineralización del tercer molar inferior en radiografías panorámicas digital. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 5(3), 43–48.