Prevalence of sub prosthetic stomatitis associated with candida albicans in patients with complete dentures in nursing homes at the Valle de los chillos, Ecuador


  • Paula Zambrano Achig Centro de Investigación de Salud Pública y Epidemiología Clínica (CISPEC). Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud “Eugenio Espejo”. Universidad UTE. Quito, Ecuador



Stomatitis, Denture, candida albicans, Denture, Complete.


Objective: To determine the prevalence of subprosthetic stomatitis associated with Candida albicans in patients with removable complete prostheses, in nursing homes at the Valle de Los Chillos, Ecuador.

Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study; the study population included patients with removable complete prostheses (n = 79) from seven nursing homes located at the Valle de Los Chillos. An intra-oral clinical examination was performed to evaluate the presence of sub-prosthetic stomatitis, adaptation of the prosthesis to the palate, palate’s pH levels, prosthesis’ plaque index and to obtain a microbiological sample from the palate. Data was collected on a register and analysed with the SPSS v22 statistical package.

Results: 41% (n=32) patients werw diagnosed with subprosthetic stomatitis. Out of these 32 patients, 68.8% (n=22) presented subprothetic stomatitis associated with Candida albicans and an acidic palates pH (X2= 4.23, p=0.04). Out of the 22 patients, 43.8% (n=10) had high plaque index at the time of evaluation (X2=5.234, P=0.02) AND 9.4% (n=2) pf the átients had a mismatch of the removable complete prosthesis (X2=2.80, p=0.09).

Conclusions: This study shows that there is a high prevalence of subprosthetic stomatitis associated with Candida albicans in patientes from nursing homes at the Valle de Los Chillos. Furthermore, the presence of Candida albicans was shown to be associated with an acidic palates pH and poor hygiene of the prosthesis, its presence was not associated wuth the adaptation of the prosthesis to the palate.

Key words: Stomatitis Denture, candida albicans, Denture Complete.



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  • Abstract 1087
  • PDF (Español (España)) 869

How to Cite

Zambrano Achig, P. (2020). Prevalence of sub prosthetic stomatitis associated with candida albicans in patients with complete dentures in nursing homes at the Valle de los chillos, Ecuador. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 5(3), 1–6.