
  • Erica Dayana Quito Vallejo DOCENTE




: Traumatic dental occlusion, partially edentulous arch, vertical dimension, periodontal diseases.


Posterior bite collapse is one of the masticatory disorders that occur within the oral cavity as a severe alteration of the occlusion. This syndrome is due to the evolution of a series of dental and periodontal pathologies, which requires correct diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatment to restore the altered balance of the stomatognathic system. In this clinical case report an integral treatment was carried out, in which after considering the precise parameters of performance and evaluating the conditions presented by the patient, as well as the need for a treatment in a short time, an oral rehabilitation was achieved that restored the dentofacial harmony.


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How to Cite

Quito Vallejo, E. D. (2020). ORAL REHABILITATION OF PATIENT WITH POSTERIOR BITE COLLAPSE SYNDROME. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 5(1), 31–36. https://doi.org/10.31984/oactiva.v5i1.439