Perception of criteria for use, selection and cementation ofintrarradicular posts in post endodontic rehabilitation


  • David Ugarte-Mamani



Aim:To evaluate the perception of knowledge and clinical experience, and obtain scientific and documented information onthe criteria used in the high Andean region of Peru in post-endodontic rehabilitation.Material and methods:A cross-sectionalstudy was conducted using a validated instrument with a population of dentists (n = 100) in the city of Juliaca-Peru, previouslycarrying out a pilot test with 20% of the population. Variables such as dental criteria and intraradicular posts criteria weremeasured. Descriptive statistics and the chi-squared test were used (inferential statistics for qualitative variables).Results:68.8% use the cast posts according to the way of obtaining and the material, 93.6% always use cast posts in the absence ofremaining coronal structure; 61% consider the splinting effect of 2mm prior to rehabilitation; for 53% the cost influenceswhen choosing the treatment; 78% are unaware of other post-endodontic rehabilitation systems. The cementing system for thecast posts is the 57.8% glass ionomer, and for the fiberglass poles the 57.8% dual cement. In all cases p <0.05 was consideredsignificant.Conclusions:The criteria evaluated have great scientific validity since they provide the level of knowledge thatthe Andean population handles in relation to different studies worldwide.


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How to Cite

Ugarte-Mamani, D. (2020). Perception of criteria for use, selection and cementation ofintrarradicular posts in post endodontic rehabilitation. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 5(2), 15–20.