Bioceramic cement as an apical barrier in permanent non-vital teeth with immature apex


  • Andrea Sarmiento-Cárdenas Universidad Católica de Cuenca



Calcium silicate-based cement, Endodontic, Clinical applications


The endodontic therapy of teeth with immature apices associated with various pathologies is apexification. For many years the conventional materials used in this technique have been Calcium Hydroxide and MTA. Thus, due to the several limitations that these materials present in their clinical indications, Biodentine was created, with superior physical-mechanical properties similar to natural dentine, which stimulates the healing of damaged periradicular tissues and bone regeneration. This clinical case report shows a successful apexification treatment at 6 months, after dentoalveolar trauma and presence of chronic apical periodontitis, based on a calcium trisilicate cement as apical seal, which proves that this material can also replace dentine at root level.


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How to Cite

Sarmiento-Cárdenas, A. (2020). Bioceramic cement as an apical barrier in permanent non-vital teeth with immature apex. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 6(1), 51–58.