Relationship between degrees of anxiety and levels of temporomandibular dysfunction in a student population




Ansiedad, disfunción temporomandibular, desordenes temporomandibulares


Objective: To determine the relationship between degrees of anxiety and levels of temporomandibular dysfunction in students of the dental clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry, of the UANCV. Material and methods: This is a quantitative cross-sectional relational research work with a population of 220 students from the dental clinic, whose study used the survey technique through a questionnaire to determine temporomandibular dysfunction using the Helkimo Incide and for the degrees of anxiety the Zung test. Results: That if there is a relationship between the degrees of anxiety and the levels of temporomandibular dysfunction, also finding that the female gender was the one with the most dysfunction and the greatest anxiety, 74.63% are free of temporomandibular dysfunction and 60.26% have dysfunction mild degree temporomandibular. Conclusions:There is a relationship between the degrees of anxiety and temporomandibular dysfunction in students who attend the dental clinic of the UANCV School of Dentistry. Regarding degrees of anxiety, the female gender had greater anxiety. Finally, the levels of temporomandibular dysfunction were higher in the female gender.


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  • Abstract 740
  • PDF (Español (España)) 503

How to Cite

HUAYHUA VARGAS, K. Y. (2020). Relationship between degrees of anxiety and levels of temporomandibular dysfunction in a student population. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 5(3), 31–36.