Use of silver diamine fluoride for the treatment of active caries lesions.
Caries dental, cariostático, fluoruro diamino de plata, dentición primaria, odontopediatríaAbstract
Silver Diamond Fluoride (SDF) is a cariostatic agent; which is ideal for caries control and caries prevention. It is used as a non-invasive treatment in dentistry. It is low cost and easy to handle, effective in patients with little or no cooperation and/or patients who do not have easy access to the dental office. The objective of this educational contribution is to make known the benefits of FDP as an alternative treatment to stop the progression of active caries lesions. In the social project directed by the Dentistry career of the Catholic University of Cuenca, seventy children were treated with FDP. This contribution describes two clinical cases of children from one to five years of age. Active caries lesions were diagnosed using ICDAS and soft tissues were clinically evaluated. The results of the use of FDP on teeth with softened caries lesions were verified visually and directly, evidencing the increased hardness in dentin and enamel of the affected areas. It was concluded that PSF stops active caries lesions.
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- Abstract 4806
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