Post chemotherapy and radiotherapy non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patient clinic. literature review and clinical case


  • Fabricio Israel Febres Odontólogo General



Chemotherapy; Radiotherapy; Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin; Tooth erosion; Prevention., Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin, Tooth erosion, Prevention


The objective of this literature review is focused on indicating the intra-oral clinical characteristics of an oncological patient diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, establishing the existing relationship with the state of oral health and having received Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy treatment, also pointing out modifications in the dental structure such as deterioration by erosion of the adamantine and dentine tissue and consequently the collapse of the components of these tissues that make up the fundamental dental structure. Information was identified that allows the correlation of the signs and symptoms that the patient has presented during and after the treatment. In addition, the development of a medical-dental clinical guide is suggested to help obtain a better lifestyle and control of the intraoral processes that are triggered during the pre and post oncological treatment period.


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  • Abstract 1273
  • PDF (Español (España)) 937

How to Cite

Febres, F. I. (2020). Post chemotherapy and radiotherapy non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patient clinic. literature review and clinical case. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 5(3), 89–96.