Use of CBCT and computational dental tools for the three-dimensional reconstruction of archaeological objects


  • Marcelo Enrique Cazar Universidad de Cuenca-Ecuador



Cone beam, forencis, cranium, reconstruction, esteolitography


Cone Beam Computed Tomographs (CBCT) provide high-quality 3D images with submillimeter resolutions, fairly short scan times (10 to 70 seconds) and radiation doses up to 15 times lower than classic CT systems. Thanks to this, its use in different areas, both in dentistry and in other areas, has increased significantly. Additionally, the advancement of teleradiology and the compatibility of the resulting DICOM images with different types of planning, simulation and 3D printing software; have made it possible to consolidate a powerful tool for the possible early and accurate diagnosis of different deep lesions, anomalies and the acquisition of deep knowledge about a specific maxillofacial area and its relationship with adjacent structures. However, its resulting measurements with very little error range and the possibility of generating three-dimensional reconstructions make it a clear pedagogical instrument of great utility in modern archaeological, technological, forensic, anthropological and biomedical investigation techniques. This article provides an overview of CBCT systems, their associated computational technologies, and demonstrates their applicability as tools for the analysis, preservation, reconstruction and reproduction of archaeological pieces. As a test, its application in the acquisition of different stereolithographic models of archaeological remains of the Pumapungo Museum in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador is described.


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How to Cite

Cazar, M. E. (2020). Use of CBCT and computational dental tools for the three-dimensional reconstruction of archaeological objects. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 5(3), 73–84.