Ética del odontólogo en la pandemia del COVID-19


  • Grace Revelo Universidad Central del Ecuador, Universidad El Bosque




ética, bioética, ética odontológica, infecciones por coronavirus, atención odontológica


The COVID-19 pandemic changed dental care substantially. The elective procedures were canceled and were limited to the exclusive care of emergencies and dental emergencies to protect the community from contagion by the virus and prevent its spread. Scientific societies worldwide have provided various documents for dental care based on the guidelines given by the World Health Organization, however, the literature on the ethical attitude of the dentist during the pandemic is limited.


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  • Abstract 330
  • PDF (Español (España)) 261

How to Cite

Revelo, G. (2021). Ética del odontólogo en la pandemia del COVID-19. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 6(3), 45–48. https://doi.org/10.31984/oactiva.v6i3.560