
  • Cristina Mercedes Crespo Crespo Universidad Católica de Cuenca sede Azogues
  • Karen Andrea Arévalo Coronel Universidad Católica de Cuenca sede Azogues
  • Lady Laura Alvarado Guamán Universidad Católica de Cuenca sede Azogues
  • Wendy Alexandra Flores Pacheco Universidad Católica de Cuenca sede Azogues
  • Dennis Jacobo Echeverría Calva Universidad Católica de Cuenca sede Azogues
  • Paúl Fernando Vergara Sarmiento Universidad Católica de Cuenca sede Azogues



Covid 19, Oral rehabilitation, SARS-COV 2, Covid 19 and dentistry, Dental protocols and Covid



In Wuhan at the end of 2019 there was an outbreak of pneumonia with a not fully clarified etiology. The virus later known as SARS-CoV2 affects the respiratory tract, presenting mild symptoms such as: fever, dry cough and fatigue, up to pneumonia that can cause the death of the patient. ORAL REHABILITATION is one of the most risky dental work areas, due to the production of a large amount of aerosols during procedures. OBJECTIVE: To establish biosafety standards that allow the oral rehabilitator, as well as the general dentist, to work more safely. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search was carried out for articles published in the first semester of 2020, due to the recent health situation and any other complementary information, it was reviewed that it was within the last five years, within the scientific bases Scielo, Pubmed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, Contemporary Clinical Dentristy, Journal section: Oral Surgery, and Ebsco, articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese were included. A total of 56 sources were obtained, of which 30 were selected according to the selection criteria: information in referred languages, according to the research topic, and the exclusion criteria, that is, those articles and sources of more than 5 years old and that did not comply with the mentioned languages. CONCLUSION: The oral rehabilitator is more exposed to contagion, since the work of this specialty generates more aerosols during prosthetic procedures, so it is vitally important to maintain strict standards for the disinfection of impression materials and avoid cross infections in dental laboratory work; The use of high-power suction, biosecurity barriers such as face shields, and the use of absolute isolation are essential whenever possible.


KEY WORDS: Covid 19, Oral rehabilitation, SARS-COV 2, Covid 19 and dentistry, Dental protocols and Covid


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  • Abstract 811
  • PDF (Español (España)) 585

How to Cite

Crespo Crespo, C. M., Arévalo Coronel, K. A., Alvarado Guamán, L. L., Flores Pacheco, W. A., Echeverría Calva, D. J., & Vergara Sarmiento, P. F. (2021). COVID-19: BRIEF BIOSECURITY RULES IN ORAL REHABILITATION. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 6(3), 31–38.

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