Comparison of the thickness of the soft tissues of the chin in individuals with different skeletal patterns
Cephalometry, chin, skeletal pattern (DeCS).Abstract
Aim: To compare the soft tissue thickness of the chin in individuals with different skeletal patterns. Methods: A quantitative, observational study was carried out with a correlational approach that included 120 cephalic radiographs, traced in AutoCAD 2020 software from a radiological center in the city of Cuenca. According to the skeletal pattern, it was divided into: Class I, Class II and Class III, and the thickness of the soft tissues of the chin was measured at the level of Pogonion, Gnation and Menton. Descriptive statistics were performed to calculate the mean and standard deviation, as well as an analysis of the variance between the skeletal pattern and the thickness of the soft tissues of the chin, with a confidence level of 95% (p <0.05). Results: The mean Pogonion thickness was 12.62 ± 2.12 mm; Gnation 10.21 ± 2.35 mm; and Menton 8.21 ± 2.50mm. When comparing the thickness of the soft tissues of the chin according to the skeletal pattern, there are differences, but not statistically significant, however, at the level of Gnation and Pogonion it is shown that the thickness gradually increases in the different skeletal classes; According to sex, in men the thickness of the soft tissues of the chin is greater in relation to women. Conclusions: The studied population showed differences, but they were not statistically significant in both sex and skeletal class, according to the thickness of the soft tissues of the chin.
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