Calidad de vida, Salud Bucal, Impacto, OHIP-14Abstract
Introduction: Quality of life is considered an essential aspect of the human being, the World Health Organization considers as that personal perception of the individual and his life situation within the sociocultural context and values in where he lives in; thus, Oral health has a fundamental role to achieve an integral wellbeing, especially in people who have worked. Objective: To determine the quality of life in relation to oral health of employees and workers of the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of Biblián and the Provincial Council of Cañar. Methods: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional research, with a random sample of 214 study subjects, the impact was obtained using the validated questionnaire Ohip -14Sp. We had the authorization of the research department of the Catholic University of Cuenca. Results: The impact was moderate (9.68±8.91) psychological conditions (2.53±2.12) and psychological disability (1.42±1.56) rose a greater affection, the questions in which problems were evidenced were those that addressed the psychological component and the option frequently resulted mostly answered; When relating sex, age, work denomination and impact, no statistically significant difference was found (p < 0.05); however, there was a greater weighting in female sex, age group 41 to 64 years and employees; the multivariate analysis did not show statistically significant data, in men the most affected were workers and in women were employees. Conclusions: The majority evidenced not to feel affectation in their quality of life as consequences of oral problems, but moderate impact was evidenced when evaluating the total score with a psychological affection of the individuals leaving an important data to be analyzed in a future research.
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