Expectativa y motivación por estudios de posgrado en estudiantes peruanos de Odontología. Revisión de literatura


  • Luis Antonio Vicuña Huaqui Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Leandro Santiago Vera Amézaga Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • María Jhesenia Mendivil Andia Universidad San Sebastián
  • Luz Elvira Blanco García Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos




Students, dental, specialization, internship and residency, education, dental, motivation., motivation


Introduction: Formal postgraduate education trains qualified human resources, in Dentistry it allows quality care, administrative, teaching and research work to be provided; however, future professionals may access this training due to external and internal motivation or not purse it due to other factors. Objective: Describe the expectation of postgraduate studies and the motivation behind it in Peruvian dental students in the period 2000-2021. Material and Methods: The study was descriptive, cross-sectional, and observational, were consulted the institutional repositories of Peruvian universities and the “Registro Nacional de Trabajos de Investigación”. The bibliometric indicators were expectation of development, postgraduate programme, area of development and motivation in choice. Relative and absolute frequencies were used in the synthesis of results. Results: Six thesis works with 515 participants were identified, the expectation of postgraduate study was 98,4%, the most preferred programmes, in decreasing order, were Second Speciality, Diploma, Master and Doctorate; the most frequent motivation was to achieve a higher professional level, acquire more knowledge and achieve economic stability. Conclusion: There is a high expectation of postgraduate studies in Second Speciality for reasons of achieving a high academic level and economic stability.


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How to Cite

Vicuña Huaqui, L. A., Vera Amézaga, L. S. ., Mendivil Andia , M. J. ., & Blanco García, L. E. . (2021). Expectativa y motivación por estudios de posgrado en estudiantes peruanos de Odontología. Revisión de literatura . Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 7(3), 45–52. https://doi.org/10.31984/oactiva.v7i3.763

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