
  • Juan Andrés Espinoza Cárdenas 0000-0002-8574-1961
  • Andrés Delgado-Gaete Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Daniela Astudillo-Rubio Universidad de Cuenca-Ecuador
  • Karelys Maldonado-Torres Universidad de Cuenca-Ecuador



Caries, cuspal coverage, bond strength, stress, fiber-reinforced composite restoration



Biomimetic dentistry comes from the combination of two words BIO which is life and MIMESIS which is imitation. Alleman divides biomimetic dentistry into 6 pillars. In this study we summarize it in 3 fundamental pillars: Structural Analysis, Adhesion Enhancement, and Stress Reduction. The aim of this article is to present a biomimetic restorative technique to reduce the failures that occur during a conventional restoration. A 22-year-old female patient presented to the oral rehabilitation clinic because she reported discomfort in tooth 2.6 at least 6 months ago. The diagnosis was pulp necrosis, she was referred to endodontics, and after two weeks the patient came back to the oral rehabilitation clinic. The prognosis of the treatment is good. The restorative protocol was: control of occlusion, caries removal end points, structural analysis, increasing bond strengths, decreasing polymerization stresses and control of force balance. A structurally compromised tooth may exhibit one of these signs: a crack in dentin, an isthmus greater than 2 mm, a cusp less than 2 mm, and a cavity depth of more than 4 mm. Bonding is enhanced through the use of gold standard adhesives and methods such as immediate dentin sealing and deep margin elevation. Horizontal increments of 1 mm of composite resin and the use of polyethylene fibers are useful for stress reduction.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Cárdenas, J. A., Delgado-Gaete, A. ., Astudillo-Rubio, D., & Maldonado-Torres, K. (2022). INTRODUCTION TO BIOMIMETIC DENTISTRY: A CASE REPORT. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 7(2), 89–97.