Myofascial pain syndrome is a disorder of the masticatory muscles that can cause difficulty opening the mouth and limitations in masticatory function. Through a cross-sectional exploratory study, the prevalence of myofascial pain was determined in patients of the Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Cuenca and its relationship with factors that associate the level of pain, these factors investigated are: stress, age and gender. For the calculation of the sample size, the following variables were considered: Infinite population, confidence level of 95%, margin of error of 3%, probability of success of 25%, giving a total of 321 patients investigated in ages from 18 years and up. Myofascial pain syndrome was identified by clinical observation. To define stress, the Hamilton test (HDRS) was used. The tabulation and data analysis was carried out in the statistical package spss version 22, for the correlation of myofascial pain syndrome with associated factors, a multiple regression econometric model was used and the results were corroborated with the chi square statistic with confidence intervals. of 95%. The research is quantitative, exploratory and inferential.
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