Protocol in the care of deep neck abscess in the General Hospital of Xoco: Clinical case.


  • Paola Lisset Acevedo Quezada Cirujana Dentista
  • Aurora Beatriz Ortiz Cruz Hospital General de Xoco
  • Alfonso Uribe Campos Hospital General de Xoco
  • Jorge Omar Ramírez García Hospital General de Xoco



Abscess, protocol, incision, drainage


This clinical case report details the protocol to follow for the diagnosis and patient care with deep neck abscess of dental origin in the General Hospital of Xoco in Mexico City, correlating the anatomy of the aponeurotic spaces that lead to compromise of the airway, also mentioning the risk factors of the host that tend to aggravate the damage of the general condition in the patient. Likewise, the use of empirical antibiotic therapy and the antibiotic therapy based on the culture and antibiogram obtained is justified. Clinical case report.


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  • Abstract 194
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How to Cite

Acevedo Quezada, P. L., Ortiz Cruz , A. B., Uribe Campos, A., & Ramírez García, J. O. (2023). Protocol in the care of deep neck abscess in the General Hospital of Xoco: Clinical case. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 8(2), 67–74.