Direct cementation protocol in Orthodontics, a look at the future of bonding: A compilation of modern literature.


  • Alexander Cruz Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Miriam Fernanda Ortega López Universidad UTE, Quito-Ecuador
  • Paulina Alexandra Jinez Zuñiga Orthodontics Resident Catholic University of Cuenca
  • Kemberly Gabriela Viera Mena Universidad Hemisferios, Quito-Ecuador



Keywords: Dental Enamel, Orthodontic, Appliances, Fixed, Orthodontics, Clinical Protocols (DeCS).



The cementation of fixed appliances is a practice that will endure in orthodontists throughout history, where it becomes independent of the chosen philosophy or the characteristics of the bracket to be used. Objective: To construct a review of the literature on the information currently available on the protocol of direct cementation in orthodontics, focusing on the previous conditioning, its times, attachments or supplies, type of adhesion, and a possible new protocol to guarantee the bracket-tooth bonding. Materials and Methods: A thorough search was carried out and this was a descriptive, retrospective research with a documentary design. A total of 454 scientific articles were found in reputable verified sources such as: PudMed, LILACS, SAGE Journals, CORE, Directory of Open Access Journals, Oxford Academia, Scielo, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, ScienceDirect, with a search strategy included the use of equations and Boolean operators such as: orthodontic bonding AND adhesion AND enamel AND protocol AND Brackets completely related to the direct cementation protocol. Results: After reviewing the title, abstract and exclusion in duplicate, a total of 88 articles were selected, and after a complete reading and filtering by inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 9 articles were evaluated, which were part of the following review due to their great research value. Conclusions: few in-vivo investigations of the whole direct cementation protocol were found, the review of a simple but valuable protocol was carried out, where the conditioning, the adhesion system and the polymerization times make up a tripod in the stability of the bracket for biomechanics. 


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How to Cite

Cruz, A., Ortega López , M. F., Jinez Zuñiga , P. A., & Viera Mena , K. G. (2022). Direct cementation protocol in Orthodontics, a look at the future of bonding: A compilation of modern literature. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 7(Esp.), 19–28.



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