
  • Evelyn Vanessa Vásquez Revelo Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Eimy Yépez-Chávez Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Sandra Quisquiña-Guevara Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo




Obturación, Microfiltración, Biocompatible, Ionómero


The aim of the present study was to analyze by means of an in vitro study the microleakage caused in the cavity bases after internal dental bleaching with hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. Sixty ivorine lateral incisors were endodontized, where cavity bases of 3 mm thick light curing glass ionomer Glass Liner (WP Dental) =20; Biodentine (Septodont)=20, Filtek Z350 XT Flow Fluid Resin (3M) = 20, placed in distilled water and stored in an oven at 37º for 3 days for setting and polymerization, After this period, the Walking Bleach technique was applied with Hydrogen Peroxide (Whiteness HP ) at 35% and Carbamide Peroxide (Whiteness Super - Endo) at 37%, the samples were stored again and after 24 hours the first 30 samples were analyzed, the same procedure was repeated for the 30 samples at 96 hours. In the results obtained, the mean microfiltration was higher for Biodentine with 93.16 um, followed by Glass Ionomer with 79.18 um and finally Fluid Resin with 52.72 um, being of greater length those exposed to Hydrogen Peroxide. The temporality was an influential factor since on day 4 the microfiltration could increase. It is concluded that all the materials suffered microleakage after bleaching, but not the control group, except for one sample of Glass Ionomer.


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How to Cite

Vásquez Revelo, E. V., Yépez-Chávez, E., & Quisquiña-Guevara, S. (2024). MICROLEAKAGE OF CAVITARY BASES EXPOSED TO HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AND CARBAMIDE PEROXIDE. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 9(3), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.31984/oactiva.v9i3.1043