Occupational Risk, posture pain, skeletal muscleAbstract
The sample was calculated using a formula based on a population of 185 students. The students that were continuously
carrying out carried out their preprofessional interships were included, students who did not contribute with the personal data
were excluded.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The evaluation criteria provided by the REBA Method was used evaluating
the level of risk of the work posture, the student signed an informed consent, the visual examination was performed at the
"Cesar Cordero Moscoso" Comprehensive Clinic.RESULTS: The sample had a 35.2% (44) corresponding to the male sex
and a 64.8% (81) corresponding to the female sex. In the 125 students it was determined that 61.6% (77) had an average
level of risk, therefore their intervention is necessary; it was also found that 37.6% (47) presented a low level of risk and their
intervention may be necessary; in a lower percentage it was found that 0.8% (1) has an inestimable risk level, therefore it
is the only person in whom the intervention is not necessary; in terms of high or very high risk level, no student with these
characteristics was found.
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