
  • Kimberly Ledesma



Dental anxiety, Dental fears, Pediatrics dentistry


A bibliographic review was conducted to collect scientific information from different authors in all areas on anxiety and fear
of dental treatment in order to obtain statistical data regarding anxiety and dental fear as a habitual response to dental
treatment that is progressing Progressively and that can interfere in the relation dentist-patient and in the quality of life of the
child; The information that studied the phenomenon was analyzed specifically in the child population and it was possible to
obtain important data on the risk factors among them vibration or drilling of the strawberries; The information about the most
effective and used scales of evaluation by specialists, as well as the methods of management of the pediatric patient and the
treatment of the anxious and fearful patient, being the most outstanding music. Conclusion: Fear and anxiety are phenomena
that go hand in hand and have been progressing over time; Since professionals have not given it enough importance to address
this problem, this reaction has worsened causing a number of future problems in pediatric patients.


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How to Cite

Ledesma, K. (2018). ANXIETY AND FEAR ABOUT DENTAL TREATMENT IN CHILDREN. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 2(1), 79–78.



Bibliographic revision articles