
  • María Gabriela Pacheco-Arce




OBJECTIVE:Determine the frequency of the need for prosthetic treatment and the frequency of the index CPOD 2016.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out. The sample was formed by 400 adults
aged 65 years and over 106 years, who were evaluated clinically using a questionnaire from the World Health Organization.
RESULTS: It was determined that the total evaluated population was 302 patients (80.10%) and partial edentulous with a
total of 75 patients (19.89%). The frequency of need for prosthetic treatment is high in the female sex with 75%, as is the
male sex with 65% representing the need for total prosthesis. The frequency of the DMFT index is 13.87 in partial edentulous
individuals. CONCLUSION:The evaluated population of 377 older adults, who present total edentulism in 80.10% and partial
in 19.89%, the need for treatment is necessary in 302 people of the adult population, the remaining 75 people You need it By
means of the diagnostic index of caries, lost and sealed (CPOD), a greater frequency of pieces was found with 10.69 in both
men and women.


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How to Cite

Pacheco-Arce, M. G. (2018). CPOD INDEX AND NEED FOR PROTEIN TREATMENT IN ADULTS ELSE OF THE CHIQUINTAD PARISH. Odontología Activa Revista Científica, 3(2), 25–28. https://doi.org/10.31984/oactiva.v3i2.221