Current Issue
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Revista Odontología Activa. Enero-Abril
Imagen adaptada de la foto ganadora del 5to concurso de fotografía artítica del Instituto mexicano de Ortodoncia.
Autora: Dra. Cristina Sibri Quizhpe
Prevención y acción: La relevancia de los estudios epidemiológicos en estomatología
| Abstract : 148 | DESCARGAR EN PDF (Español (España)) : 152 |
Original articles
Satisfaction level related to adherence to dental treatment for patients in a MINSA health facility
| Abstract : 179 | DESCARGAR EN PDF (Español (España)) : 121 | -
Remineralización biomimética en dentina y fuerza adhesiva: Silicato de calcio modificado con resina y fosfosilicato de calcio y sodio.
| Abstract : 178 | DESCARGAR EN PDF (Español (España)) : 122 | -
Construcción de herramienta para medir el nivel de satisfacción de la atención odontológica, Cuenca-Ecuador.
| Abstract : 127 | DESCARGAR EN PDF (Español (España)) : 98 | -
Efecto de la remineralización de lesión de mancha blanca usando una pasta de nano hidroxiapatita al 20% y una pasta fluorada
| Abstract : 251 | DESCARGAR EN PDF (Español (España)) : 134 |
Bibliographic revision articles
The Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis and its Influence on Temporomandibular Disorders
| Abstract : 252 | DESCARGAR EN PDF (Español (España)) : 147 |
The O-Activa magazine of the Odontology career was created in 2015 and belongs to the Academic Unit of Health and Welfare of the Catholic University of Cuenca. It is an organ of scientific diffusion that intends to share all kinds of scientific works with the fundamental objective of transmitting knowledge within the dental area. Active Dentistry is aimed at all teachers, researchers, professionals and students, not only in the specialty, but also in the area of Health Sciences in general. In this way, it contributes to the strengthening, discussion and exchange of knowledge, thereby providing information that serves as the basis for professional development and continuous training. The journal is published in the form of an annual volume composed of three numbers, thus having a four-monthly periodicity. Active Dentistry requires that all papers sent for publication be original and unpublished; the manuscripts will go through a double blind external arbitration process, for acceptance and publication.